Thursday, October 28, 2010

Art Piece #2 - Texture in Detail

After finishing up the first set of song reviews last night, I remembered a drawing I worked on a few years ago that was based on The Second Stage Turbine Blade album cover.

Texture in Detail. 12" x 9". Pencil and Pen. 2007.

Simply put, it's a drawing of a blown up section of the front cover of the album. For reference, it is the section outlined in black in the following picture:

I completed this drawing in my freshman year 2D Design class, where the objective was to find any surface that had some form of texture on it and draw it out. Though it's not apparent on this given image, the cover of the album does in fact have texture -- the black lines on the wings of the dragonfly protrude from the surface. After finding which bit of texture we wanted to draw, we had to choose a small section of said surface from which we would do the assignment.

The first sketches of the dragonfly wing was done in pencil, as was all of the shading. It took roughly an hour to replicate the design just right for my personal liking. Once the pencil work was finished, I went back in with pen and ink to add some of the darker lines of the wing and other dark spots.


Kate Weber said...

That's really amazing, Kevin! I wish I could draw as well as you do! That's so awesome!

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