Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It will all turn out well in the end

I had a huge chunk of text written out for this post, spilling my heart out about so many things to the point the text had reached 3 pages on Microsoft Word. Then, I remembered an important quote and I realized I didn't need anything else.

"It will all turn out well in the end"

There are many variations of this idea, but it's something I attribute to a good friend of mine whom I remember saying this very often back in high school. It's something I'm determined to live by.

I know all too well how hard it is to think of something positive when life seems to keep kicking you square in the face after you've already been beaten. Yet, there's always the chance, if each of us is willing to find it. I'm not saying we should ignore our pains and sufferings. On the contrary, they are part of how we grow; more importantly, it's how we deal with these things that determines our growth.

Several people I love are not their best right now, and I'm sure plenty of people out there aren't at this moment. I hang on to the idea that all of it will turn out well in the end not for some idealistic desire for eternal happiness, but simply because I know. I know because I know these people will overcome and look for it. That's how we achieve this wellness -- by pursuing it in the face of despair.

However cheesy you may find this, I ask something to anyone who might read this: Think of whatever makes you happy, whatever cheers you up even when you're down and out and try to hang on to that to get you through whatever it is that's holding you down. It helps me, and maybe it does for you. In fact, if anyone feels like sharing, please post a comment below as well.

Take care, all of you.


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