Monday, October 25, 2010

Art Piece #1 - Self Portrait in Texture

I'm not sure if I'll get to a song review today since this is my second post of the day thus far. Instead, I wanted to do something a little different.

I've mentioned how I'd post some artwork here and there, and I decided today's the day to kick that off. Without further ado, I present my first art piece.

Self Portrait in Texture. 11" x 8 1/2". Pencil. 2007.

It really is a self-portrait in texture. Each object is part of who I am and what I like. Though I wear contacts now, I did wear glasses at the time of making this and had been wearing them for about twelve years. The pencils represent my love for drawing and for art. The dream catcher on the far left is indicative of the small but still important Native American blood that runs through my veins. The likely hard to see concert ticket is a reflection of not just my liking for Coheed and Cambria, but for music and concerts in general. Further emphasizing my tie to music are the scattered guitar picks. And as always, there is some representation of Harry Potter and Star Wars seen in the drawing -- the HP symbol and the plastic lightsaber at the very top, respectively.

The point of this project was to demonstrate rendering skill, and the ability to draw objects so they look as realistic as possible. The other objective was to use six materials to draw and show how lighting affects these objects. These materials were: 1.) wood; 2.) leather; 3.) metal; 4.) cloth; 5.) plastic; and 6.) glass. You could see for yourself which objects are which material.

I was fairly happy with the result. Upon reflection I realized it needed more contrast; much of it is too similar in terms of lighting. Still, I'm pleased.


Kate Weber said...

That's AMAZING! it's so realistic! I love it!

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