Thursday, October 7, 2010

"The jury that stands the verdict"

Imagine screaming that line alongside hundreds or perhaps thousands of similarly screaming fans. Or, maybe belting out the last lines of that unforgettable outro:

"Would you run? Would you run? Would you run down past the fence?
And she screamed 'Claudio, dear Claudio, I wish god dammit! We'll make it if you believe!'"

For those unfamiliar with the story, note that Claudio is also the name of a character, one who plays a very large role in events to come. It's not really a self-insert by Claudio Sanchez, they just share similar names.

Interested? Then it's time for another Coheed and Cambria song review! Tonight's special is "Everything Evil." Every Coheed fan probably knows this song; one of the best things about it is that it's instantly recognizable every time it's played live thanks to the opening drum beat played by Josh Eppard. Quite honestly, if there's one song I can immediately recognize in only the first second, it's this one. That is how unique "Everything Evil" is.

My first experience with this song was before I even had the album in my hands. I heard it at my first ever Coheed concert. It was at the Glass House in Pomona, CA, on August 12, 2006 (the very same, in fact, where the video in my last post was shot). At that time, I knew -- truly knew -- only about three songs on the set list, one being "Devil in Jersey City", and the other two off of a different album altogether. I did remember hearing a song that had an epic minute of chanting going on, where everyone was screaming "And she screamed Claudio!". It was so amazing I had to find out what song it was, and my friend provided me with the answer.

Which is actually how I came to first hear SSTB  in its entirety. I'll explain this more later, but the rest is history as they say. I was still trying to get used to Claudio's voice; it was the music that hooked me and not so much the vocals, until I learned to appreciate them. Four years later, "Everything Evil" has become a top favorite amongst not just Coheed and Cambria songs, but of my entire music library.

One of the other best things about this song is how well accepted it is by the fan base that, in recent years, the gang had a really nice medley going on with this song, "Devil in Jersey City" and Iron Maiden's "The Trooper," which they covered. Together, these three created a fantastic medley that the band played for some months after the release of their fourth album. As of 2009, it doesn't appear to have been played much, but hopefully this medley will make an appearance again soon. I'd certainly enjoy it.

The next review will cover yet another huge fan favorite: "Delirium Trigger". Stay tuned!


Kate Weber said...

I love your reviews! Going to check out this song now!

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