Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2

I spent most of my morning working on a header for this blog, since the templates that blogger.com had available weren't too great and I wanted something more original. So, what you currently see at the top is my new header. I'm pretty okay with how it's come out, and I feel it reflects me well enough. The long story short is that the image shows off just about everything I really, really like - from Star Wars to playing guitar to Harry Potter to drawing. It's a collage of most of everything I am and like.

And yet, it isn't. There's only so much you can put into an image to make it reflect you and your personality. I guess that's why this blog is here, for me to go ahead and share that bit of me to others who care to know.

I'm still trying to work out all the kinks of this thing and get it running the way I'd like. Until then, enjoy your day!


Kate Weber said...

I'm so so glad you started blogging! I can't wait to read what you have to write, and I'm loving how your blog looks. :) <3

Kate Weber said...

By the way, I'm loving play OoT with you. :)

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