Monday, September 20, 2010

-Insert clever first post title here-


I just recently started this thing. Lately, I've noticed a lot of people getting into this whole blogging thing, and because I was bored (and maybe also because I was interested) I decided "What the hell?" So, here I am.

I do have something to say though. There's one thing about filling out these little bits and pieces about me that I found weird -- when filling out my profile under the "Work" section, I noticed in the drop-down menu that there was no option for "Food" or "Restaurants" or something of the sort. Nice going, blogger, now I can't give away my job description unless I lie.

All that aside, this is all I really have to say for right now. I'm kinda hoping I'll stick with this for a while; it looks fun, and I do have a lot I feel I can talk about. Until next time!


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