Friday, January 28, 2011

The Final Stretch

As of this past Monday, I'm officially in my last semester at college. I've taken on 18 units (translate: 6 classes, for those of you who don't know what I mean), four of which are three hour long Art classes, one English class, and the last is a Computer Technologies course. And as of yesterday, the first week is over. Only fifteen more to go.

The English and Computer courses are lower division, which I chose in order to help balance out the workload that I'll no doubt be receiving from my Art classes. One of these courses is called Senior Projects -- a class where you learn the business side of the major you've chosen, and how to market yourself in that career. As I've never been the type of person who's confident in his abilities or outgoing enough to seek out people, this class is scaring me at the moment. It doesn't help that I've also got a ton of homework to do over the weekend.

So why am I posting a blog instead of working? Don't worry, I'll get to it as soon as I'm done.

I just wanted to post my thoughts about what this means for me. The truth is that I'm scared. I don't think I know of too many people who aren't, when this time finally rolls by. After several years of work, some of it involving the constant changing of majors, you're truly not prepared for what's out there. I guess that this reality finally hit me, because it's my last semester and I'm just as clueless as the next person where I'm headed and what my life will have in store for me. I've got some short term goals: move out, work hard in what field I can afford, practice and get better at my skills. The long term goals... well, I'm still working on those.

But, in spite of that, I'm choosing to continue to do what I've always tried to do: take each day a step at a time. I'm not expecting to land an awesome job right after I graduate (and I've always hated that some of my classmates DO expect that), but I do hope that once this is all over I'll have time to take a breather and relax. I might take a whole year off and just work, and might go on the grad school. I'll use the time to hone my skills day after day, so that I can benefit myself and any future family I might have.

In the meantime, it's time for one final stretch of working hard, so that all this work will pay off. So, I say to all of those out there, in college or not, who are making such big decisions and changes in their lives: Good luck!

And I end this with a quote from one of my favorite t.v. series of all time:

Believe in yourselves.
Do good.

Don't you mean do well?

No, I mean "do good."


Kate Weber said...

This is a wonderful post. I know how scared you are. But I also know you. You are going to be amazing. I have no doubts about this at all. You will work hard and achieve a lot of great things! Just look to the future with a curious and ambitious smile, and take each day as it comes. You will be spectacular!

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