Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Art Piece #3 - Room Corner in Hatching

Room Corner in Hatching. 9" x 12". Pen and ink. 2007.

You may want to click on the image to get a better view of it, but this entire drawing was done in hatching and cross hatching. That is, every line, every form, every shade, and every mark on this piece of paper was done with short strokes of lines. The point of this piece, an extra credit project, was to demonstrate that I could give form and volume to a 2-dimensional space through hatching principles and ONLY though hatching, rather than using contour shapes and lines to create the image.

The subject was a corner of my living room as it looked back then (the giant hutch still remains, but the darker hutch next to it has since been removed). Much of the shading is off and incorrect, and as my professor pointed out there is not enough contrast. However, for a simple extra credit project, I'm most proud of how the forms came out. For me, the result looks very much 3-dimensional.


Kate Weber said...

I am astounded by your drawing skills. This is so incredible!

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