Thursday, March 10, 2011

You're still an asshole.

I have a really short post today, but it came to me this morning on my way to school. This morning consisted of probably the most idiotic ignoring of "right of way" I've ever seen.

The simple matter is this: LOOK before you make your move. The right of way is there to ensure we don't have accidents. Ignore it, and you're just a jackass. Besides, it's also courtesy.

Take the example of a young man crossing the street of Plummer and Etiwanda near the B6 parking lot of my campus -- this young man must've been having a pleasant morning; riding down the sidewalk on his skateboard, listening to some good music (judging by the earphones dangling from his head). I bet he was really looking forward to a great day full of exciting new things to learn at school.

His whole life could've been snuffed out in an instant. Why? Because some idiot in a van must've felt that obeying a stop sign was below her. Oh yes, she doesn't need to come to a full stop at intersections. She could've made it across the intersection faster than the man currently speeding into said intersection much more quickly than she could likely move her foot from the brake to the gas pedal, and subsequently gain enough speed. By which time, had she done that, she would've ineveitably crashed right into our young skateboarder.

The result, thankfully, was not that. However, this driver still managed to get incredibly close to her destination before ultimately slamming on her brakes when she realized someone was riding by on his skateboard.

Whether you saw the young man or not, miss, you're still an asshole. Next time, actually stop at the fucking stop sign.

Now, granted, I realize people make mistakes. And I'd also like to take this time to say that I get irrirated when pedestrians ignore all traffic, assuming that said traffic will be on the lookout -- which is exactly what the young man in this story did. It's a two way system, people. Everyone needs to look where they're going before heading out into traffic. Common sense.

With that, I'm off to class.


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