Monday, February 14, 2011

"All of my trust was given to you"

With today being Valentine's Day, I feel it very fitting to review the next song from Year of the Black Rainbow. As I've stated, the songs from the album have a strong love overtone to them. As the album's story deals with Coheed and Cambria's days as fighters before their minds were wiped, so does it deal with how they related to each other. With Claudio's marriage, the album feels natural to have taken on such a tone.

Anyone who's familiar with Claudio Sanchez's side project The Prize Fighter Inferno is also familiar with his love of fiddling with electronics and effects. Such tracks as "The Going Price for Home" and "The Margretville Dance" are such examples. While listening to the tracks on Year of the Black Rainbow, it feels as if some of the tracks have such a feel. But no other song has nearly the same feel as "Far."

In fact, "Far" was originally a Prize Fighter Inferno song. Listening to the song, it's very evident how much influence the electronica style had on this song. The guitars are layered with effects that remind the me, or probably any listener that's as familiar as they are with Claudio's work of such songs as "Who Watches the Watchmen?" or "Accidents." To drive the point home further, the drums have effects layered onto them. I remember several people complaining that the drums were electric-based, when in fact they aren't. Rather, Chris recorded the drums for the song on a drum set composed of steel trash cans and sheets of metal, which were then layered with some effects to give them the electronic feel.

I had a hard time enjoying "Far" when I first took a listen to it. At first, it sounded very generic and... well, different. This was one of the few instances where I sort of understood why so many hated the production on this album. It was strange and over-saturated. As time went on, however, "Far" has become one of my most favorite of Coheed tunes.

The song is very much a love song, but in a sort of twisted way, as the lyrics would demonstrate. For Claudio, it is his confirmation that the love between him and Chondra is strong enough to withstand anything.

"No matter the distance
No matter how far"

When taken into the concept of the story, I generally think "Far" can be about the two main relationships in the concept. These are the relationship between Coheed and Cambria, and the relationship between their creator, Dr. Leonard Hohenberger and his wife, Pearl. As the story moves forward these two relationships become contrasted and foiled. Pearl, angry at Leonard and holding him accountable for the death of their only son, gradually deteriorates and becomes reserved and hostile. However, she tries to hold on as best as she can to Leonard, the only thing she has left. Meanwhile, the relationship between Coheed and Cambria becomes ever stronger. It is ironic, in a way -- how the love between the flesh and blood humans is deteriorating, while that between the artificially made cyborgs becomes stronger.

I've heard this song played live once before. It's toned down very much during such performances, with Claudio playing guitar alone and Wes Styles' accompanying with a mellow keyboard tune. Truly, "Far" is one of the most beautiful tunes Coheed and ever written.


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